On December 16th 2009 my Leica M6 was stolen from a bar in Kreuzberg. After the initial shock of losing a camera that I had travelled the world with, slept with under my head on trains in Thailand, China, India, Mexico and the USA (to name a few) and taken pictures of all the people in my life with I decided to find a way to raise money for a new one, by selling some more of my Single Edition 6x4 inch prints I had from photos taken during 2009. I chose 100 pictures and uploaded them to flickr. I pledged to draw every photograph I sold.
I had sold about a quarter of the photos, which was about half way to buying a new camera. I was due to go back to the UK for Easter. But the day before I left I was summoned to the police station in Kreuzberg. And against all wildest expectations, they gave me my camera back. The only second hand shop I went into after my camera was stolen was the same one the camera turned up in three months later.
You can see the complete series here. I am still selling the remaining pictures but putting the money raised towards the Richmond Project instead. All photos are signed and rubber stamped on the back and for sale for 35 Euros each.